Tired of Telling the Joke

The name of the guitar business was supposed to be a clever play on the old joke about the piano tuner , Opporknockity, who tunes but once. I’m really tired of trying to explain the joke, not only to readers for whom English is a second language who will never easily understand a joke based on a twist of a cliche but also to native speakers of English who just never heard it. So, you can kiss “Opporknockity Tunes Guitar” goodbye and just call me OK. And no, I don’t live in Oklahoma but CT Guitars doesn’t sound that good. So, I’m OK now. I hope you’re OK too. It’ll take me awhile to change it everywhere but I’ve made a pretty good dent. By the way,in case you want to get here via the back door, you can go to It gets you to the same place but its easier to remember. When searching Gbase, OK will still get you to me as will the old way. It’ll still probably have to say it on my tax forms but I can live with that. The IRS has no sense of humor anyway and they wouldn’t get it. I do, however, still own in case somebody else wants to use for their music publishing company or something.

2 Responses to “Tired of Telling the Joke”

  1. Dave K says:

    Damn & I’ve been using all this time.

    Thanks for all the posts – whatever it’s called.


  2. OK Guitars says:

    That’s because the idiots at Network Solutions who host my blog don’t reveal the actual URL of the pages which is stupid. I asked them to change it and theys aid they would but, of course, they didn’t. Thanks for making the extra effort.

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